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Our Process


01. Apply Now:

After students have sent an inquiry form and GIPEP has responded to them answering any initial questions, students will be prompted to submit their resume and fill out an application here: Students will list out the cities they would like to intern in, as well as answer why a global internship is right for them.

02. Screening Interview:

After GIPEP has received a resume and application, students will be supplied with information on their chosen field options, as well as the cities currently offering internships in that field. Students will also be scheduled for a screening with the GIPEP Admissions Team, to determine if students are a good fit for an international internship.

03. Admittance or Denial:

Based upon the results of the Screening Interview, the Admissions Team will determine if students are accepted or denied their internship request.

04. Enrollment into Program With Deposit: If the student has passed through the admittance round, the next step is to have the student officially reserve a spot by putting down a deposit.

05. Interview Prep and resume fix:

Once a student has paid the deposit the GIPEP team will aid students in getting all of their information ready to present to interested employers. Resumes will be polished, and students will be coached on the best practices to succeed in interviews.

06. Search for employers and connect to set up interviews:

Once students are well prepared to present to employers, GIPEP will begin searching for interested employers in the chosen field. When an employer is found, GIPEP will set up an interview for the student with the employer.

07. After internship is secured, Student applies for visa, if needed:

If the employer wishes to pursue the internship with the student, GIPEP will now aid the student, if needed, in obtaining all necessary documentation needed to travel and stay abroad.

08. Accommodations and arrangements:

Once GIPEP receives word that all documentation has been secured and the student is officially able to travel to the destination city, GIPEP will aid the student in finding accommodations and transportation in the destination city. Students are able to skip this step if they choose to find their own accommodations, but GIPEP does not offer full guarantees in this situation.

09. Interns arrive at destination:

Once accommodations have been acquired and the time for the internship has come, students will leave for their destination city. Students will arrive to find all arrangements made, allowing a seamless transition for the student. The student will then begin their internship.

10. Students will have weekly checkins with GIPEP:

As students go about their internship, they will maintain constant contact with GIPEP, including a weekly check-in. GIPEP will answer any questions or concerns the students have during their internship.

11. Internship ends. If companies seek to employ interns we will help that process:

At the end of the internship period, the students will return home, and if the employers wish to seek employing the intern, GIPEP will help facilitate contact with the student.